The definition of Call center, usually targets the area of technology, ie, structure, design of hardware and software and the functionality that is provided through the systems. Specify what is a call center goes beyond a computer system or cutting-edge technology, although it is important to facilitate human work, does not predominate. The human being is the important element in the definition we propose.

Although our aim is to sensitize the definition of Call Center from the technological standpoint the humanistic point out some definitions raised by the companies that offer this service.

An important element, as we noted at the outset, is to be human. People who answer calls in a call center operator are called (a) or telemarketer, as carried out not only answer the calls, also have the ability to advise and address any concerns of users. Operator (a) is the term used for the service offered by the company and we want to avoid confusion with the person performing the service.

A Call Center is composed of human beings with feelings, thoughts and proposals to be heard and evaluated. Our customers should not be considered a cold statistic, your call goes beyond a question, complaint or grievance, is a vital input for development and strengthen the business.