When setting up a new call center, or refurbishing an existing one, installation of voice and data cabling can be a significant cost. This is especially true when the cabling is being installed in the walls and floors of the facility.

However these days companies operating call centers are looking for ways to lower their installation and reconfiguration costs. Organizations need the flexibility to rapidly scale up or scale down their call center operations -- including the ability to quickly and easily reconfigure their call center spaces.

As a result, organizations are increasingly looking for call center furniture solutions that offer simplified cabling options. Instead of running cables through conduits in the walls and floor of the facility – and “trunking” them in at each cubicle – organizations are looking at lower cost options that allow them to more easily install and reconfigure their cabling as the layout needs change.

Interior Concepts’ call center furniture utilizes their Chase Wire Management System that keeps cables and wires out of sight – and out from under people’s feet – while at the same time keeping them easily accessible. Most importantly the Chase system allows easy initial installation and reconfigurations of cabling and easy technology swaps for IT. Interior Concepts research has shown that companies that purchase their furniture can reduce cabling and contractor costs by up to 40 percent and speed installation time by 25 to 30 percent.