The role of a call center manager can hardly be understated. The responsibility of the call center services, along with the task of managing the workforce lies with the manager. The job of a manager in the BPO service units is not an enviable one, though it pays much better than almost any other industry. There are several factors that a manager has to keep a close tab on. It begins with the management of the resources at the disposal of call centers. Clients agree to hire the telemarketing services against a definite fee. They will not pay any extra amount should the costs go higher up the budget line. The manager is in charge to keep a check on the expenditure of resources.

Since the manager takes care of the call center resources, it follows logically that he/she does the job of planning the BPO processes. It is up to the manager to make sure that the telemarketing and lead generation agents are not sitting idle or are not overworked. The manager is responsible for the delegation of the employees in terms of shift timings. For example, the agents at the inbound call center team have to handle different call volumes at different times. If the manager doesn’t allocate the number of agents with judiciousness, the number of agents may be a problem. Too many answering service agents will mean that they will have less work to do and too less would mean they will be stretched. That is why our BPO service managers always plan in advance and then take the projects to the floor.